Fun Facts
Did You Know?

Keep these fun facts and tips handy for the next time you cross paths with a shark:

  • A “Mermaid’s Purse” or “Devil’s Purse” is the nickname for egg cases of dogfish, skates, sharks and rays.
  • Nicknamed the ‘Wastebasket of the Sea,’ Tiger sharks have been known to consume more than just your average fish. Scientists have found pieces of rubber tires, license plates, and other non-food items inside the stomach cavity
  • Don’t blink! Some sharks lack a special translucent eyelid used for protection while thrashing or feeding. Instead, these animals roll their eyes backwards.
  • There is debate over the exact origin of the word shark, but some experts believe its roots lie in the Mayan culture whose word for fish is xoc (pronounced shawk or shock).
  • Freeze! Don’t move. To safely handle a shark, scientists invert or flip the animal onto its back, causing it to enter a natural state of paralysis. Known as tonic immobility, a shark can remain this way for approximately 15 minutes.
  • Reaching lengths of 60 feet and weighing in at almost 60 tons, Whale sharks are the largest fish in the world. But don’t worry! These giants of the sea feed on items such as plankton, micro-algae and krill.
  • Sharks possess a unique color pattern that is used as a camouflage technique. The darker tones on top make it difficult to see the shark from above. On the other hand, when viewed from a lower angle, the shark’s underside is much lighter, blending in with the lighter water near the surface. This is known as “countershading.”



Resources for this article have been provided by the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, the University of Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Division and Wikipedia.




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